It's hot as a mug' out there. I had pretty much made up my mind that I wasn't going to run yesterday. I figured I would lazily read my latest addiction,
Korealife Blog, and maybe do a little cleaning up or something like that. (yeah, that's it...) John talked me into running 6 miles - he started with 10 miles and negotiated his way down. I wanted to do nothing. He promised me a luxurious, oily massage and inappropriate behaviour if I got out there and pounded some trail.
Well, I'm an ass.
From my living room couch, the weather seemed deceptively mild so I hit the trail at 4:00p. It must have been in the 90's out there in the sun with no shade. My poor skin was screaming at me to take cover (I'm a fair-skinned redhead) or at least put some freakin' sunblock on but it was too late. I was already lumbering down the trail with my MP3 player and new NorthFace water-bottle carrier. (I'm not that impressed with it.) There was a point where I thought that I was doing okay and might even be able to eek out 10 miles, but then my sanity kicked in and I realized that even 3 miles was too much out there in the heat. I turned around at the 5k mark and headed back to the car. After about 10 minutes, I had to walk-something I RARELY do during a run. I kept trying to conserve my water and try to jog a bit. I hate feeling 'stuck' on a run and then walking. It just takes longer to get back to the car. One time I had to use the bathroom (not #1) and just ran faster so that I could get back to the car faster. If I slowed to a walk, I'd just be out there longer...
Anyway, I passed a couple gas stations and some stores and seriously thought about calling John and asking him to come pick me up, but I had no money on me and I knew that he was out in the garage and wouldn't hear the phone. I continued with my sad, little walk, jog, ask God for mercy, walk, jog, etc... routine until I got the car. I don't think I'll ever do a full-sun run like that again. Ever. (this is a good time to fade to a post in the future where I do the exact same thing) Ended up doing about 6 awful miles and I won't even report my ridiculously long time.
Decided to head out again this morning for and easy 3-miler and do the same trail, but at 8:00a instead. The weather was quite nice for summer and I ran in a new pair of Columbia technical shorts and a New Balance jersey-type shirt. I normally only run in spandex shorts, but thought I would give these shorts a try. They did well and didn't bunch up to much in the inner thigh. I never felt any akward rubbing or anything else, either. I think they're a keeper.
However, I did run in some Steve Madden low-cut socks that became the bane of my existence. They have a logo that is placed right smack on the instep/arch and normally never bothers me. Today, it felt like there was a needle pressed into my shoe everytime I stepped down. Oh my God - it hurt so much. I also managed to develop a nice, little blister on my achilles because I these stupid socks. As soon as I got home, I tossed 'em.
Separately, I don't know what's happening to my shoes. I must be running really weird, because there's MAJOR wear going on with them in a really odd place. I don't get it because I got them in March and I haven't logged any crazy mileage in them, yet. They
are my first pair of Saucony, though. Hmmmm.... maybe we have mice that actually like to chew symmetrically.... whatever...