This is the song that never ends...: 10/22/2006 - 10/29/2006

This is the song that never ends...

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Crawling out from under my Paxil cloud of doom

Ha--- no, I'm not on Paxil..... but I *did* feel like that commercial with the rain cloud following the rock.

Wow----it’s been a long time. Where to start? From the beginning, I suppose.

On August 25th I woke up to a wonderful discovery, my foley popped out! The doctors the day before told me that if it popped out on it’s own, then that meant my cervix was dilated to at least a 2 and it would make labour much easier if I was already a bit dilated. So I go running around the house, huge and pantless, trying to find John and tell him the news. I called the hospital at 7:00a and asked what time we should come in for the induction and was promptly told that THEY would call ME when they had a bed ready and that should be in about an hour or so. It’s like Christmas morning and your gift is sitting right there and you kinda know what it is and it’s something that you really, really, really want and when you open it it’s going to hurt like a sonofabitch and you want to get it over with (ahhh, me, the queen of the run-on sentence.)

After I hadn’t heard from the hospital by 9:00-ish, I called John’s friend, who just so happens to be a labour/deliv. nurse and asked her when we could expect to come in. Since we live about 35-40 minutes away from the hospital, she said to just start getting ready, have a bite to eat and head in now because by the time we get there, a room should be available. The entire ride to the hospital was filled with ‘Can you believe this is the last time it will be just the two of us?’-type of conversation and a whole bunch of good old-school rap blaring in the speakers. It was a fun trip…

We got to the hospital a little after 10:00a and by the time we were checked in, settled and I was receiving my pit drip, it was about 11:30a. A far cry from the 6:45a check in that we were originally told would happen.

…to be continued…
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