This is the song that never ends...: It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood.

This is the song that never ends...

Sunday, May 15, 2005

It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood.

Wow. Sometimes I'm actually shocked by how pretty the day can be. I woke up this morning needing to be outside. For the first time in my life I planted seeds in the garden. I've bought pre-germinated plants before, but never seeds. So I thought I would get all adventurous and plant flowers and vegetables. Up until yesterday, I didn't believe that anything would ever come up. I wanted to scratch at the surface to see if they needed help or something. I'm proud to announce that a few babies were born yesterday! We now have squash, watermelon, lemon basil and something I don't remember planting. I'm tickled. I have this urge to just sit outside and watch them to see how fast they grow. Impatient? Nah. We'll call it anxious (which, by the way was the name of a dog I used to have.)

Right now I need to pour myself some coffee and go stare at plants.


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